Having the right storage facilities for each type of product or material is essential for preserving quality and guaranteeing safety. Maja specialises in the transshipment of bulk goods but also has extensive experience with general cargo.
Thanks to our flexible organisation with short communication lines and our floating cranes, many of which are self-propelled, Maja Stuwadoors is able to respond effectively in problem situations for which rapid intervention is required. As a result, insurance companies and maritime clients regularly ask us to carry out these types of specialised jobs.
However, Maja is more than a stevedore. In addition to storage and transshipment, we can offer you “Total Logistics” and “Project Logistics”. Owing to our extremely extensive network, we can provide all logistics services for your bulk goods, from the source right through to the end user. If you are experiencing a bottleneck in your supply chain, then get in touch with our professional team.